The 63rd Philippine Urological Association (PUA) Annual Convention

Submitted by: Patrick H. Tuliao, MD, FPUA, FPCS

The 63rd Philippine Urological Association (PUA) Annual Convention will be held on the 11th, 12th, 18th and 19th of November this year.  The 2020 PUA Annual Convention will be exceptionally noteworthy as it will be held in collaboration with the East Asian Society of Endourology (EASE) as they hold their 17th Annual Meeting.  Similar to the year prior, the 2020 congress will continue its partnership with the European Association of Urology (EAU) as it will once again offer the EAU Section of Uro-Technology (ESUT) workshop for basic laparoscopic skills and the South East Asian Urology Residents Education Program (SEA-UREP).

This year’s convention will be the first ever virtual convention held by the PUA.  Despite such a change in format, the PUA Annual will continue to deliver the same world-class quality urology meeting  that it has become recognized for.  Aside from the scientific content, there will be no shortage of festivities and camaraderie which truly are hallmarks of PUA conventions.  

The PUA Annual Convention remains to be the largest, grandest and most anticipated urology convention in the Philippines.  Like its prior iterations, this year’s annual convention will offer comprehensive lectures, interactive panel discussions and impressive masterclasses .  For the first time, the 2020 convention will be an amalgam of topics and ideas contributed by each subspecialty society of the PUA namely: the Philippine Society of Urologic Oncology (PSUO), the Philippine Endourological Society (PES), the Philippine Society of Pediatric Urology (PSPU), the Philippine Alliance for Urolithiasis (PAU), the European Association of Urology-Philippine Chapter (EAU-PH), and finally the Philippine Genito-Urinary Reconstruction Society (PGURS).


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