Philippine Society of Urologic Oncologists (PSUO)

The Philippine Society of Urologic Oncologists (PSUO) has always promoted excellent annual conventions. Though the COVID pandemic has posed a lot of challenges in providing opportunities for continued medical education, the PSUO has taken advantage of the online platform to fulfill its objectives.

With the return of the face-to-face meetings, the annual PSUO Annual Convention of 2022 was the perfect opportunity to continue the tradition whilst seamlessly incorporating the program into the One PUA annual convention. True to the mission of the PSUO to continually present the various facets in the management of urologic malignancies, the year’s meeting wasn’t any different. This year’s multidisciplinary meeting, represented by all the other subspecialties, featured world renowned experts in the field of Urologic Oncology, Drs. Mark Gonzalgo from the University of Miami and Scott Tagawa from Weill Cornell University in New York both of whom shared their expertise in Bladder and Prostate cancer. Joining them were a host of local Uro- oncologists and experts in allied specialties, Drs. John Mark Carabeo for radiation oncology, Ma. Aileen Diana Bautista for medical oncology, Regina Morabe-Dy for radiology and Patricia Bautista-Peñalosa for nuclear medicine. The program spanned seven hours bolstered by case- based discussions. The scientific program ended promptly at 3:30pm which was followed in short order by the PSUO business meeting and elections.

Just like past PSUO Annual Conventions, this meeting was very fruitful and productive. Hopefully, the discussions provide useful insights on the management of the various urologic malignancies. We are looking forward to the next PSUO Annual Convention in 2023.

Last nameFirstMiddleMailing addressHospital AffiliatedYear Inducted
AbrahamDavidA.National Kidney and Transplant InstituteNational Kidney and Transplant InstituteFounding member
AbrahamJose BenitoA.National Kidney & Transplant InstituteNational Kidney and Transplant Institute2004
AguderaRufinoT.Mary Chiles General HospitalMary Chilles Medical Center2004
AlabanCesar AlfredC.UERMMMC,112 College of Medicine Bldg. Aurora Blvd. Q.C.UERMMMC2012
AnastacioAntonioL.UERMMMC,112 College of Medicine Bldg. Aurora Blvd. Q.C.UERMMMCFounding member
AradaErnesto IIIV.303 Pansipit St. Ayala Alabang Village MuntinlupaUP Health Service2004
BartolomeAchillesG.St. Lukes Medical Center Quezon CitySt. Luke’s Medical CenterFounding member
BelisarioManuelS.Dona Soccoro St., Belisario Heights subd. Lanang Davao CityDavao Doctor’s hospital2004
Bernardo Jr.PoncianoM.14 Joeylane Whiteplanes Q.C.St. Luke’s Medical CenterFounding member
BlasBrian SeveroP.Bethany Hospital, Tacloban CityBethany Hospital2004
CabahugErnestoO.Suite 209 Dr. JC Borromeo Bldg. Gov. M. Roa St., Cebu CityCebu Doctor’s hospital2004
CabreiraAlvinG.St. Lukes Medical Center Quezon CityFEU, UDMC, EAMC2005
CampañaJose RufoU.9621-A Pililla St. Rizal Village, Makati CityMedical City, San juan de dios2005
De GuzmanRudolfoI.119 13th New Manila, Quezon CityNational Kidney and Transplant Institute2012
Dela CruzReynaldoC.National Kidney and transplant InstituteNational Kidney and Transplant InstituteFounding member
Florencio, Jr.LuisN.Rm.3227 office National Kidney and Transplant InstituteQMMC,World City, Amang Rod.2005
GarciaLesterA.East Avenue Medical Center, Diliman Quezon CityEast Avenue Medical Center2004
GatchalianEduardoR.Manila Doctor’s Hosp. Rm 701 MAB TM kalaw St. ermita manilaJRMMC, Manila Docs, NKIFounding member
GatchesMauricioN.East Avenue Medical Ctr. Q.C.AUF Medical Center2005
GerialErnesto Jr.LNational Kidney & Transplant Institute Diliman, Quezon CityNational Kidney and Transplant Institute2004
HipolitoManuel DavidC.Urology Clinic MetropolitanCethedral Parish Complex tuguegaraoSt. Paul Hospital tuguegarao City2005
LantinPedro IIIL.St. Lukes Medical Center Quezon CityEast Avenue Medical Center2004
LehMichaelY.Suite 309 Medico Bldg. Ortigas CenterThe Medical City2005
LetranJasonL.Cardinal Santos Medical Center San JuanCGH, UST, Cardinal Santos Medical CenterVice President
LimDarwinL.Metropolitan Medical CenterCGH, SLMC, METRO2012
LongnoHarryG.Lot 12-13 Blk. 12 Xavier Estates Cagayan De oro CityPolymedic General Hospital2004
LusayaDennisG.Santo Tomas University Hospital ManilaUSTH2004
MendozaJesus BenjaminL.National Kidney and transplant InstituteNational Kidney and Transplant Institute2004
MercadoGavino Jr.N.Palawan Medical City Inc. ESM Bldg., Malvar St., PalawanPalawan Adventist Hospital2004
MoralesMarcelino Jr.L.St. Luke’s Medical Center Quezon CitySt. Luke’s Medical Center2004
PanganibanJulianoZKSt. Luke’s Medical Center Quezon CityCGHMC and SLMC-QC2004
ParreñoFernandoP.Chinese General Hospital and Medical CenterChinese General Hospital and Med CtrFounding member
PatronNelsonA.National Kidney and transplant InstituteNKTI, JRRMMC, CMCTreasurer
PerezFrancis SilvestreS.66 Perequet St.,BF Heva Paranaque CityAsian Hospital and Medical Center2004
ProdigalidadAbelardoM.National Kidney and transplant InstituteNational Kidney and Transplant InstituteFounding Member
ProdigalidadJose VicenteT.National Kidney and transplant InstituteNational Kidney and Transplant Institute2004
RamosBenjaminL.Cardinal Santos Medical Center San juanCardinal Santos Medical Center2005
Reyes IIIJose AlbertC.St. Lukes Medical Center Quezon CitySt. Luke’s Medical CenterFounding member
SantosJerryH.USTHUSTHFounding member
SobingsobingNoelE.#1 Yebes Apts.,Ilang-ilang St. Josepa Subd.,Butuan CityButuan Doctor’s Hospital2005
SolimanNathanielM.Aston Martin St. St. Dominic Subd. San Agustin, PampangaOur Lady of Mt. Carmel Medical2005
SongcoJaimeSDMakati Medical CenterMakati Medical CenterPresident
SungaPaul AnthonyL.UERMMMC,112 College of Medicine Bldg. Aurora Blvd. Q.C.UERMMMC, SLMC Q.C, Global2012
TagleWilfredoS.Delos Santos Medical CenterDelos Santos Medical center2004
TablanApolinario, Jr.C.Blk. 7 Lot 7, Domenico St. Portofino Heights Las Piñas City 1750Medical Center Muntinlupa2005
CuaresmaMa. Immaculada CorazonC.East avenue Medical Center Diliman, Quezon CityEast Avenue Medical Center2004
YusiGenlinusD.National Kidney & Transplant Institute, Diliman Quezon CityNational Kidney and Transplant Institute2004
YuchicoManuel Jr.P.Cardinal Santos Medical Center San juanAsian Hospital and Medical Center2004
ZerrudoArielA.AFP Medical Center Ward 4-C V-luna rd. Quezon CityAFP Medical Center2004