Dear members of the PUA,

It is my pleasure to welcome you all back to our pre-pandemic activities as we return to full swing after a more than 2-year hiatus brought about by COVID-19. The past few years have been challenging for everyone, but as we emerge from the pandemic, the PUA is more committed than ever to advancing the field of Urology in the Philippines.
As the President-Elect last year, it was my responsibility to plan and lay down the activities for this year to ensure a smooth transition and continuity for our association. I am proud to say that we have a full calendar of activities for the year ahead, all aimed at benefiting and supporting our members.

Our theme for this year is “A Cooperative, Harmonious and Energetic ONE PUA”. We believe that by working together, setting aside our differences, cooperating in all our endeavors, and staying united under one PUA, we can achieve our goals of advancing the field of Urology and improving patient outcomes in the Philippines. Our new concept of “PUA CARES” speaks for itself since our association cares for all its members. We will focus more on taking care of the benefits, privileges, and welfare of our members.

One of our key priorities this year is to provide our members with more opportunities for professional development. Aside from our Midyear and Annual Convention, we will be holding more training and educational programs to keep our members up to date with the latest developments in the field of Urology. We will also provide opportunities for professional networking and collaboration, which we believe will help foster a strong and vibrant urological community in the Philippines.

Another priority for us this year is to increase our public engagement and outreach activities. We believe that by raising awareness about urological problems and promoting preventive measures, we can help improve the overall health and well-being of the Filipino people. We will engage with the media, public health agencies, and other stakeholders to raise awareness and educate the public about urological health issues.

Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all our members for their continued support and dedication to our association. I encourage everyone to participate actively in all our activities. Rest assured that this year’s Executive Council, with the help of all our Committee Chairpersons, will work hard to continue our advocacies. Let us all work together to achieve our goals and make this a successful and fruitful year for the PUA.
May God Bless us all and remember, THE PUA CARES!

Thank you,
Eli Paulino F. Madrona, M.D.
PUA President 2023


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