PUA Amidst a Pandemic

The year 2020 marked another milestone for the Philippine Urological Association with the signing of the “ONE PUA” memorandum of agreement and addressing the ratification of the amendments of their constitution. They also recently purchased a property for the future office taking several factors into consideration such as accessibility, and future developments, especially the need for an adequate parking area. This property will also be a venue for future activities like conferences, seminars, and skills and training workshops. 


In March 2020, the start of the lockdown halted all the association activities, and in the interest of the safety and health of the members, the executive council decided to cancel the midyear convention and other events. It was at this time that they shifted to virtual operations, conducting several teleconferences with key committees and seeking counsel with senior members. 

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n June, the new PUA website (www.puaweb.org) was launched, headed by Dr. Karl Tan.  It will be a big help in boosting their operations. It will be instrumental in connecting with members in both local and international levels. It will serve as a catalyst to fast pace their goal of an independent and well-known organization.

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The Men’s health committee headed by Dr. Raymond Cablitas, held a successful teleconsultation a day before the “Father’s Day” despite the limited time. They are planning to host a larger event this coming September.

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The committee on practice guidelines headed by Dr. Art Castro produced the recommendations on dealing with the practice of urology during this pandemic. Several subspecialties adapted by making use of webinars to continue their educational courses. These were initiated by Dr. JV Prodigalidad, Dr. Godofredo Gasa and immediate past president, Dr. Sam Yrastorza.

Through the efforts of the executive council headed by Dr. Harry G. Longno, the pandemic was not a hindrance from learning new ideas. The association is now looking forward for the virtual annual convention in November as Dr. Patrick Tuliao and company are going the extra mile to make the event a success. 

From the words of the PUA president “This health crisis is an example of the grave threats we will encounter in the future. This will be a test of how, we, as an organization can hold up… Only together can we make a positive impact on society and the world.”


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