PUA 63rd Annual Convention – Plennary Session 5

The 5th plenary session of the PUA annual convention 2020 kick off with Dr. Mark Abalajon giving a short introduction to the world-renowned reconstructive urologist from the different parts of the world. The first lecture was about the current role of Direct Vision...
PUA 63rd Annual Convention – Plenary Session 2

PUA 63rd Annual Convention – Plenary Session 2

The second day of the 63rd Philippine Urological Association annual convention featured speakers from the East Asian Society of Endourology (EASE). The plenary was moderated by the Philippine Endourological Society (PES) and was divided into five sessions which...


PUA Fellowship Night 2020 Raffle Prizes Up for grabs:40 minor prizes3 medium prizes (ozein mobile air purifier)3rd prize Muracam PAPR2nd prize ipad 8th gen 1st prize macbook air How to join:1. Must be a PUA member2. Paid annual dues3. Registered for the OnePUA 2020...
Oath-taking of new PUA members

Oath-taking of new PUA members

NEW ASSOCIATE INDUCTEES 2020   AFP Eric Roudel C. Ecalnir, MD, DPBU – AFP Medical Center Robert Leeh E. Pedragosa, MD, DPBU – AFP Medical Center Marc Vincent T. Trinidad, MD, DPBU  – East Avenue Medical Center Nicolo F. Buenaventura, MD, DPBU...