Penile Implant for Erectile Dysfunction…How I Do It?

Penile Implant for Erectile Dysfunction…How I Do It?

Dr. Sean Sung Hun Park
Chief of Sewum Prosthetic Urology Clinic, Seoul, Korea, 2013 to present
Global Training Fellowship in Prosthetic Urology under the supervision of Professor Steven K. Wilson, MD, FACS, FRCS of University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, 2012-2013, this course includes:
Prosthetic Tissue Engineering training course by James Jim May, MD of University of Philadelphia medical center, department of plastic surgery, 2013
Surgical training session of Inflatable Penile prosthesis & Virtue male sling coursed by Eugene Rhee, MD of Kaiser Permanente medical center, inventor of Virtues system, 2013

Surgical Management of Peyronie’s Disease

Surgical Management of Peyronie’s Disease

The 1st session of day 1 of this year’s mid-year convention conducted through a virtual congress tackled about Erectile dysfunction. The second topic is entitled, Surgical Management of Peyronie’s Disease (PD). Dr. Bennett began by describing its history, with its...
Basic Work up for Infertility

Basic Work up for Infertility

Basic Work up for Infertility  : PUA Midyear Convention 2021  The Philippine Urological Association with its dedication to learning and excellence has recently held its second virtual Convention as the Philippine Urological Association Midyear Convention 2021 with the...