March is Kidney Cancer Awareness Month

The Philippine Urological Association together with the Philippine Society of Uro-Oncologists is celebrating the Kidney Cancer Awareness month this March 2022.

Kidney cancer is still one of the common cancers in the Philippines. It affects the lives of many Filipinos, including the family as a whole when one is diagnosed. The goal of Kidney Cancer awareness is to educate the population regarding this kind of cancer, for it is sometimes diagnosed incidentally, or unfortunately in the latter stage of the disease. Although the cause of Kidney Cancer remains uncertain, it is a fact that there are known risk factors correlated with kidney cancer such as smoking, hypertension, and obesity.

It is also important to note that at the early stage of kidney cancer, the symptoms may be none or non-specific to the disease. Once the size becomes larger, the symptoms become significant and noticeable, such as weight loss, blood in the urine, loss of appetite, pain, abdominal discomfort or a lump may be felt.  

In this kidney, cancer diagram are numbers related to kidney cancer. Kidney cancer awareness is important, as multiple treatments are available. The initial goal is to detect Kidney Cancer at the early stage. The earlier stage detected will have the highest chance of renal function preservation. Make sure to consult your Urologist to know more about Kidney Cancer.

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