Accredited Training Institutions


The Genito-Urinary Surgery or Urology Section was established in 1952 as one of the sections under the Surgical Service. It was headed by Major Tito V Acuna MC (Medical Corps) with Dr. Luis F. Torres and Dr. Domingo Antonio as visiting consultants.Its sole objective is to render quality urological care to active AFP service personnel and their dependents.

In 1968, Major Eufemio V Macalalag Jr MC joined the service and facilitated the upgrading of urological and nephrological management of patients after having trained abroad for 7 years. Captain Maximo Papa MC also became the section chief in 1970 and was later replaced by Colonel Valeriano Areza MC.

The expanding number of urological cases and the impending thrust towards specialization in surgery led to the creation of Urology Section as a separate unit of the Department of Surgery in 1977. It was headed by Major Eugenio Batalla MC. After a short training stint at UP-PGH Medical Center, Maj Batalla started the formal urology training program in 1980 under the tutelage of the following consultant doctors: Colonel Eufemio V. Macalalag Jr MC, Colonel Pedro Lantin MC and Dr. Dwight Anderson, a urologist based at Clark Air Base medical center. Major Ariel A Zerrudo MC was the first Urology resident of that program. After graduating in 1985,MajZerrudo joined the V. Luna Urological Staff. The succeeding batches of graduates included Dr. Glenn Maclang, Dr. Roy Serrano, Dr. Ferdinand Calalang and Dr. Virgilio Fumar, in chronological order.

In 1990, the doors of the Urology Service was opened to visiting consultants that included Dr. Jose F. David Jr., Dr. Nelson A. Patron, and Dr. Josefino C. Castillo. The following years, the Urology Staff was augmented with new blood in the persons of Dr. Jose Buenaventura Reyes, Dr. Jose Benito Abraham, who recently finished two-year fellowship in USA, and Dr. Michael Macalalag who all excelled in endoscopic and laparoscopic surgery, and recently in 2000, Dr. Dave Bolong, in the field of pediatric urology.

It was in 1991 that the program was officially accredited by the Philippine Board of Urology through the hard work initiatives and efforts of Major Ariel A Zerrudo MC. Colonel Eufemio V Macalalag Jr MC became the Chairman and Major Zerrudo MC as Training Officer. In 1993, V. Luna General Hospital became one of the first institutions to acquire complete urologic endoscopic equipment equipped with a camera video-system, enhancing the training of the residents. Other highlights included the development of penile clamp in 1991, first video-assisted TURP performed in 1993, the invention of “AZ Lancet” in 1995 and acquisition of Urodynamics machine in 2000.

The year 2008 was the most glorious moment for the Urology Section for having produced both a President of the Philippine Urological Association and the Commanding General of the AFP Medical Center, in the person of Brigadier General Ariel A Zerrudo AFP.

The Urology Service also rendered competent quality service to high government officials like secretaries of National Defense, cabinet secretaries and their families. Furthermore, it trains urologists for assignment and deployment to other hospitals of the AFP-wide Medical Service. It

also spearheads over other subspecialties in the field of research. No less than a dozen research pioneers have been presented locally and internationally. Noteworthy is the “AZ Lancet” for complicated urethral stricture management, pioneering Video TURP, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)to Hormone Supplementation and Stimulation Therapy (HSST) and Multiple Ureteral Tubation (MUT) Catheter technique.

The following year 2009, the AFP Uro-family deeply mourned for the demise of its oldest mentor, the late Col Eufemio V Macalalag Jr MC. His brilliance as a urologist, his unparalleled dedication to his work and an impeccable harmonious relationship to everyone are the legacies he will leave not only to this institution, not only to the PUA but to the whole nation as well.

In 2010, the Urology Service was a recipient of “latest” uro-endoscopic unit that included flexible ureteroscope and flexible cystonephroscope as a part of the AFPMC operating room upgrade program under its hospital director, BGen Ariel A. Zerrudo AFP.

This year, 2017, the AFP Health Service Command was activated in lieu of the AFP Medical Center. Along with it, the Victoriano Luna General Hospital was renamed to V. Luna Medical Center which paved the way for renovations and improvements of the hospital services and facilities. The Urology Service was among the recipient of these improvements with the renovation of the Urology Ward to be the home of the newly-acquired Shock Wave Lithotripsy machine and high end triphasic ultrasound machine that will enhance the capability of our service in the management of urinary stones.

The “AFP Urology Family”, its mentors, students and graduates uphold and maintain the highest level of urological care to its clientele – the AFP soldier, his family and authorized civilians.

To render quality urological care to the AFP servicemen, their dependents and authorized civilians

A globally competitive service committed to maintain a competent , compassionate and ethical team of health professionals working under the principles of excellence and leadership in health care, training and research.