Accredited Training Institutions

USTH Section of Urology


The University of Santo Tomas Hospital Section of Urology traces its roots to the UST Department of Urology that existed as early as 1933 and to the Residency Training Program in Urology and Proctology of the old San Juan de Dios Hospital, the first teaching hospital of the UST Faculty of Medicine and Surgery. In 1940, the present USTH Section of Urology became the first subspecialty section to be organized under the UST Department of Surgery, the first such department to be established in the country in 1908. Indeed, the beginnings of Philippine Urology is only one of the milestones in the history of USTH Section of Urology. The urology residency training program of the University of Santo Tomas Hospital was among the first to be accredited by the Philippine Board of Urology in 1972.  In 1982, under the leadership of Dr. Parreno, who replaced Dr. Antonio as the Chief of Section, a new training program was formally started.  Dr. Rene Felipe was appointed training officer. The first resident to be appointed was Dr. Jerry H. Santos.  Dr. Edwin Co was absorbed by the program in 1982. 

Over the years, the section steadily grew in strength and influence, being at the forefront of Urologic training and practice in the country. The program has since produced outstanding graduates, many of whom are well-respected as subspecialists in local and international circles. 

On July 2017, through the efforts of Dr. David T. Bolong and Dr. Jason L. Letran, the Urology residency program of the University of Santo Tomas forged a Memorandum of Agreement with the Chinese General Hospital and Medical Center to further improve the training of its residents. In 2022, the affiliation between the two institutions was accredited for 4 years by the Philippine Board of Urology. The collaboration between the two institutions has allowed additional exposure of the trainees in the field of Urologic Oncology, advanced Endo-Urology and recent technological advances such as MRI fusion prostate biopsies and Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Surgeries. 

2018 marked the start of the residents’ annual rotation in Yonsei University-Severance Hospital, one of the best training Urology Training Programs in South Korea. This was made possible by Dr. Mark Joseph Abalajon and Dr. David Bolong in order to supplement the residents’ exposure to Robotics and other state-of-the-art urological procedures. Since then, 2 senior residents are sent per year to undergo the said rotation.

2022 was the start of the USTH-CGHMC Urologic Oncology fellowship program. The first fellow is a recent graduate of USTH Section of Urology, Dr. Ralph Albert Patrick Uy. This fellowship program was spearheaded by Dr. Jason Letran and aims to improve Urologic Oncology diagnosis and management using state of the art technology.

On May, 2023, the senior residents are set to rotate for 2 weeks in Bin Danh Hospital, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam for hands-on training in Laparoscopy, transurethral enucleation of prostate, and supine PCNL.  The USTH program continues to set the bar higher for Urologic Residency training.


To uphold dedicated, competent and compassionate health care delivery under the light of Catholic faith and morals; and to propagate high standards of medical education and training, basic and clinical research, and professional growth and development of the medical and paramedical staff, including students and postgraduate trainees. 


The Section of Urology of the University of Santo Tomas Hospital is the center of excellence in the practice of Urology from which emanates education, training and research in a setting that nurtures relationship guided by the Catholic faith and morals.

Officers/Training Specifications

USTH Section of Urology

Chief of Section: Dr. Carlo C. Bisnar

Residency Training Officer: Dr. Roderick P. Arcinas

Assistant Residency Training Office: Dr. Mark Joseph J. Abalajon

Technical Committee: Dr. Luzcielo M. Roxas

Dr. Michael Alfred V. Tan

Research Committee: Dr. Sigfred Ian R. Alapajaro

Laparoscopic Training Committee: Dr. Paulo Jesus F. Fernandez

Endourology/ PCNL Training Committee: Dr. Joseph Michael A. Ursua


Urologic Oncology – Dr. Sigfred Ian R. Alpajaro

Infertility/Sexual Dysfunction – Dr. German Jose T. Albano

Female Urology – Dr. Judith M. Sison

Renal Transplant – Dr. Rene S. Felipe

Men’s Health – Dr. Jerry H. Santos

Endourology & Minimally Invasive Surgery – Dr. Apolonio Q. Lasala

Pediatric Urology – Dr. Carlo C. Bisnar

Reconstructive Urology – Dr. Mark Joseph J. Abalajon

Chinese General Hospital and Medical Center

Institute of Urology

Director: Dr. Juliano Zacarias K. Panganiban

Residency Training Officer: Dr. Johnson L. Sy

Assistant Residency Training Officer: Dr. Michael Eufemio L. Macalalag


Date Topic Institution 
February 26, 2022Urolympics: The Endocopic ChallengeUSTH Section of Urology
March 2-5, 2022Current Progress and Controversies in Genito-Urinary Cancer ManagementUSTH Section of Urology
October 6-8, 2022Surgical Pearls and Pitfalls: The USTH SeriesUSTH Department of Surgery
September 24, 2022Multi-disciplinary Symposium on Advanced Prostate Cancer: Case DiscussionsCGHMC Institute of Urology 
October 22, 2022Point-Counterpoint Discussion: Controversies in Prostate Cancer ManagementCGHMC Institute of Urology

List of Graduates/Members


  • Dr. Rene S. Felipe (1980)
  • Dr. Jerry H. Santos (1985)
  • Dr. Antonio Q. Reyes Jr. (1986)
  • Dr. Egidio P. Elio (1987)
  • Dr. David T. Bolong (1988)
  • Dr. German Jose T. Albano (1989)
  • Dr. Juliano Zacarias K. Panganiban (1991)
  • Dr. Dennis G. Lusaya (1992)
  • Dr. Edgar U. Lim (1993)
  • Dr. Edwin H. Lim (1995)
  • Dr. Raymundo R. Dimaculangan (1995)
  • Dr. Jason L. Letran (1996)
  • Dr. Jose Rizalito C. Catipay (1997)
  • Dr. Harry G. Longno (1998)
  • Dr. Henry L. Geroche (2000)
  • Dr. Rico Y. Sampang (2001)
  • Dr. Ma. Victoria C. Estañol (2002)
  • Dr. Virgilio G. Petero (2003)
  • Dr. Tatad H. Kalbit (2004)
  • Dr. Aldrin Joseph R. Gamboa (2005)
  • Dr. Rodrigo S. Hipol III (2006)
  • Dr. Carlo C. Bisnar (2007)
  • Dr. John Kenneth B. Domingo (2008)
  • Dr. Mellmont L. Ocampo (2009)
  • Dr. Agung P. Nitisasmito (2010)
  • Dr. Luzcielo M. Roxas (2010)
  • Dr. Dony P. Santiago (2011)
  • Dr. Roderick P. Arcinas (2012)
  • Dr. Antonio S. Reyes III (2012)
  • Dr. Ma. Fluorence D. Flores (2013)
  • Dr. Marlon P. Martinez (2014)
  • Dr. Sigfred Ian R. Alpajaro (2015)
  • Dr. Paulo Jesus F. Fernandez (2016)
  • Dr. Michael Alfred V. Tan (2017)
  • Dr. John Ivan S. Alonzo (2018)
  • Dr. Avelyn N. Lim (2019)
  • Dr. Kirk Andrew R. Lipana (2019)
  • Dr. Patrick P. Blaza (2020)
  • Dr. Harris L. Lim (2020)
  • Dr. Ralph Albert Patrick C. Uy (2021)
  • Dr. Paulo P. Guinto (2022)
  • Dr. Janssen Dion T. Unas (2022)


  • Dr. Mark Joseph J. Abalajon
  • Dr. Ronan C. Cuaresma
  • Dr. Jun S. Dy
  • Dr. Cholson Banjo E. Garcia
  • Dr. Ernesto L. Gerial Jr
  • Dr. Apolonio Q. Lasala Jr
  • Dr. Darwin L. Lim
  • Dr. Lawrence Matthew C. Loo
  • Dr. Michael Eufemio L. Macalalag
  • Dr. Fidel Tomas M. Manalaysay III
  • Dr. Joseph Michael A. Ursua
  • Dr. Judith M. Sison
  • Dr. Johnson L. Sy
  • Dr. Hermenegildo Jose B. Zialcita


  • Dr. Ananias C. Diokno