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Events at PUA

Tayo NaMan 2022  Men’s Health Awareness Month

Tayo NaMan 2022  Men’s Health Awareness Month

JUNE is Men's Health Awareness Month! This year's theme is back to basics on Prostate Diseases! Our theme for this year's activity is entitled, "MaliSAWSAW: Mga Maling Hakahaka ukol sa Balisawsaw!". The PHILIPPINE UROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION (PUA) in partnership with the...

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JRURO LIVE!: Showcasing Filipino Talents

JRURO LIVE!: Showcasing Filipino Talents

Good day! In celebration of the 49th Founding Anniversary of the JRRMMC Department of Urology, we will be having a week long post graduate course showcasing Filipino talents in the field of urology. This will be a fund-raising event for the...

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Greetings fellow urologists and friends! For the past two consecutive years we have resulted to a virtual scientific meetings and countless webinars because of the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic just to continue to nourish our knowledge and skills in our field...

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EAU Philippine Chapter OAB Masterclass Series Part 3

EAU Philippine Chapter OAB Masterclass Series Part 3

The European Association of Urology Philippine Chapter (EAU PH) will be holding a series of scientific sessions regarding Overactive Bladder in the Elderly. This webinar series which is a continuum of the SEA-UREP will be conducted in close coordination with the...

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Maximizing Uroflowmetry in Daily Practice

Maximizing Uroflowmetry in Daily Practice

Good day Doctor!Philippine Urological Association in partnership with HI-Eisai Pharmaceutical Inc., cordially invites you to a live webinar on "Maximizing Uroflowmetry in Daily Practice" by Dr. Jesus Benjamin Mendoza on March 23, 2022, Wednesday at 6:00 PM.  ...

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Connecting Specialties in Urodynamics

Connecting Specialties in Urodynamics

March 18 & 19 5pm to 7pm; March 25 & 26 10am to 12nn Good day! You are invited to join the second post graduate lecture series of the Philippine Continence Society Inc. with the course title : Connecting Specialties in Urodynamics! This will be an exciting 2...

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High Yield Facts and Practical Knowledge in Urology

High Yield Facts and Practical Knowledge in Urology

The Philippine Urological Association Review Committee is having its Annual Review Course on June 4, 2022, 9am to 5pm, entitled "High Yield Facts and Practical Knowledge in Urology." The course is designed for residents and PUA members. Please register...

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