SUPINE PCNL – REMASTERED: Revisiting all aspects of supine PCNL and exploring new possibilities

Event Registration Link:



Meeting ID:

Day1 – 816 9228 7611

Day2 – 893 0976 4230

Pw: none

Event message: 

Good day!
The Veterans Memorial Medical Center – Section of Urology will be holding it’s 11th Urology Week this coming March 7-12, 2022. The week will end with its Post-graduate course on March 11-12, 2022 with the course title: 
SUPINE PCNL – REMASTERED: Revisiting all aspects of supine PCNL and exploring new possibilities

Post-graduate course Webinar discussing all aspects of supine PCNL, followed by a face-to-face workshop on the last part of the 2nd day of post-graduate course

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