Philippine Urological Association Inc. Skills Committee Laparoscopy Workshop

Event Date & Time: October 2,9,16 and 23, 2021 at 1:00 – 3:00 PM

The Skills Committee of the Philippine Urological Association invites you to attend our Laparoscopy Basic Skills Workshop. This will be a purely online activity in cooperation with the Johnson and Johnson Institute. Our goal is to provide urologists with basic knowledge and skills training in laparoscopy.

We have prepared quality videos on the basics of laparoscopy which enrollees can access on demand. Attendees will then be asked to perform a series of laparoscopy exercises adopted from E-BLUS. These exercises include peg transfer, cutting a circle, needle guidance and laparoscopic suturing which will develop and improve depth perception and bimanual dexterity. You will have a few days to practice then will be guided and assisted by a mentor online on workshop day. 

Due to the pandemic, we have shifted from the usual face to face activity to an entirely online workshop. This actually provides more intensive mentoring in a 1:2 ratio at the convenience of your homes. Our partner, Johnson and Johnson Institute has provided 4 laparoscopy training kits per institution per scheduled date that can be used by the attendees.

As such, we can accommodate only four slots for every training institution in the meantime. More so, only urologists within Metro Manila may be included for logistics reasons. Rest assured that this activity will be continued to accommodate all interested urologists both in and out of Metro Manila including those in Visayas and Mindanao. 

To facilitate the process, registration will be done per training institution. We have assigned point persons for each training hospital that you may contact if you want to participate. 




Bennie Dick Catangay

Penn Sendad (+639173212982)


James Ronaldo Claveria 

Ian Paolo Oballo (+639175002262)


Enrique Ian Lorenzo

Kolet Caro


Glen Denmer Santok

Justin Syling (+63917898 8467)


Manuel C. See IV

Earle Unas


Godofredo Gasa

EA Banzon


Mark Joseph Abalajon

Rocky Jacinto (+639333404327)


Paulo Jesus Fernandez

Jansen Unas


Karl Marvin Tan

Ryan Joseph Tuazon (+639176511412)


  1. Registration of the participant (per institution level) must be coordinated with the PUA secretary since slots per scheduled date are limited per institution.
  2. The laparoscopy kits will be available in the training institution 1 week prior to the institution’s scheduled workshop.
  3. Links to the exclusive video didactics will be sent to the participants via email. These should be viewed prior to the day of the workshop.
  4. The participating urologist should secure the laparoscopy kit from his/her training institution. He or she will be given three days before the scheduled date to get the kit. Once with the participant, he or she may already practice the exercises ahead of time.
  5. The laparoscopy kit will be set up at home and the participant will notify the skills committee member/contact resident to assist in setting up the said kit.
  6. A dry run will be held one day prior to the activity to verify the set-up which includes the video monitors, internet connectivity and the instruments to prevent untoward delays and to ensure maximum work satisfaction during the workshop.
  7. Post activity evaluation by the mentor.

James Ronaldo A. Claveria, M.D., FPUA
PUA Skills Committee