Philippine National Cancer Summit Laban Kontra Kanser: Kayang-kaya Kung Sama-sama

February 25, 2021 4:00 pm

In line with the Philippine National Cancer Summit “Laban Kontra Kanser: Kayang-kaya Kung Sama-sama”, the Philippine College of Surgeons Metro Manila Chapter (PCSMMC), together with the Philippine Urological Association (PUA) and the Philippine Association of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons (PATACSI), presents this Zoom webinar:

Lay Forum

February 25, 2021
Thursday, 4:00 PM

To join, please click:

Or log in directly to Zoom:
Webinar ID : 878 4266 8322
Passcode: pcsmmc

Or scan the QR code in the poster.

Livestreamed at: