ESWL During the COVID-19 Pandemic

June 27, 2020 5:00 pm

Are we going to see a preferential shift to ESWL during this pandemic? How can we start with one of the most basic, and most affordable procedure for kidney stones during these times? Is it really the safest procedure for the patients and the surgical team? 

In the Philippines it is becoming the most common definitive procedure for urolithiasis and most common urologic procedure over-all during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The EAU Philippine Chapter, in collaboration with the Philippine Urological Association (PUA), the Philippine Alliance for Urolithiaisis (PAU) and the EAU Section of Urolithiasis (EULIS), would like to invite everyone to a webinar entitled “ESWL During the COVID-19 Pandemic”. This will be held on the 18th of JUNE 2020 (Thursday) at 5 PM (Philippine Time). 

We have invited the Chairman of EULIS, PROF. KEMAL SARICA, and 2 past presidents of the PUA, DR. PEDRO LANTIN, III and DR. GAVINO MERCADO, JR., as our guest speakers.