Connecting Specialties in Urodynamics

March 18 & 19 5pm to 7pm; March 25 & 26 10am to 12nn

Good day!

You are invited to join the second post graduate lecture series of the Philippine Continence Society Inc. with the course title : Connecting Specialties in Urodynamics!

This will be an exciting 2 days virtual lecture series via zoom, followed by a 2 days hands-on Urodynamics Workshop with actual patients.

Kindly register in advance by visiting this link:
Registration is free!

Event Registration Link:

Zoom Links

Day 1 | March 18
Meeting ID: 849 1126 6840
Password: PCSIday1

Day 2 | March 19
Meeting ID: 825 2677 3071
Password: PCSIday2

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